Home made enchiladas were fun to make and very very yummy! 20 minutes to prep, 30 minutes to cook in the oven...
All the items as seen are: Chicken breasts, flour tortillas, cream cheese, yellow onion, cumin powder, enchilada sauce, salsa, and cheese.
Cook onions until soft, be careful though, my nose was on fire while these bad boys were cooking. Add cumin powder and cream cheese till it forms a nice sticky mess. Mean while, boil the chicken breasts for about 15 minutes, once cooked, pull into little chunks. Add chicken to the onion and cream cheese mix.
One thing I forgot to do was add the salsa to this big mess, so instead I just added it to the top of the tortillas once I had rolled it all up. Still came out good, but I recommend adding it to the onion chicken mix so it stays in the tortilla.
Add enchilada sauce and cheese, bake for about 30 minutes so chicken continues to cook and cheese is nice and melty!
Ben's exact words while he was eating: This is a lot better then the old enchiladas you use to make, not as heavy on the stomach. He liked them so much he ate 3! That's right, 3!
They have a nice kick to them though, most likely a mixture of the onions and salsa mixed together to make one big giant mess! Top it off with sour cream and you got one good Mexican meal!
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